Performance and Bioeconomics of Red Sokoto Goats fed Diets Containing Graded Levels of Baobab (Adansonia digitata) Seed Meal as Supplement to Crab Grass (Digitaria horizontalis)
The study evaluated the performance and bioeconomics of Red Sokoto goats fed diets containing graded levels of boabab seed meal. Sixteen growing Red Sokoto goats aged between 7 to 9 months, with a weight range of 6.8 -7.5 kg were, randomly allotted into four (4) treatments of 4 goats each. Four concentrate diets were formulated containing 0, 5, 10, and 15 % boabab seed meal. The goats were fed 500 g Digitaria horizontalis (Crab grass) at 8 am and concentrate at 200 g/goat/day at 2 pm. Samples of the boabab seed meal, concentrate and forage were analysed for their proximate composition and the fibre into its fractions. Data were subjected to analysis of variance using the statistical package; SPSS version 23, and treatment means that were significant were separated using least significant difference (LSD) of the same statistical package. The experiment was conducted at the Small Ruminants Unit of the livestock Teaching and Research Farm, Department of Animal Science, Federal University, Kashere, Gombe state, Nigeria. values for most of the performance parameters were similar, feed conversion ratio ranged from 0.04 – 0.06 and were not significantly (P<0.05) different. Cost of concentrate /Kg and cost benefit ratio values ranged from 179.37 to 200.07 Naira/kg and 1.24 – 2.48 and were significantly (P<0.05) different in both cases with T4 (15% inclusion level) having the best. It was concluded that inclusion of boabab seed meal in supplement diets for Red sokoto goats up to 15% level of inclusion had no adverse effects on the performance of the goats. Inclusion of boabab seed meal in supplement diets for Red Sokoto goats led to a significant reduction of feed cost. Cocked boabab seed meal can be included in supplement diets for Red Sokoto goats up to 15% level of inclusion to reduce the cost of feed per kg.
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