Evaluation of dry matter and yield of Forage Species in Bobi Grazing Reserve in Niger State, Nigeria

  • Bukola, O. A. Department of Animal Science, Federal University of Kashere-Gombe. P. M. B. 0182 Gombe State, Nigeria
  • Adama, T. Z. Department of Animal Production, Federal University of Technology Minna, Niger State.
  • Okoh, J. J. Department of Animal Science, Federal University of Kashere-Gombe. P. M. B. 0182 Gombe State, Nigeria
  • Ibrahim, Y. Department of Animal Science, Federal University of Kashere-Gombe. P. M. B. 0182 Gombe State, Nigeria
  • Dikko, I. M. Department of Animal Science, Federal University of Kashere-Gombe. P. M. B. 0182 Gombe State, Nigeria
Keywords: Grazing reserve, Dry matter, Forage, Pasture, Herbage


A field experiment was conducted in Bobi Grazing Reserve, Mariga Local Government Area of
Niger state, Nigeria from May through October, 2014 to 2016 to evaluate dry matter yield of
forage in Bobi reserve. Estimated dry matter yield (KgDm/ha) was statistically significant
(P<0.05) in September 2014, August 2015 and July 2016 respectively, low yield of KgDm/ha was
in May, 2014 and 2016 respectively. Sample mean yield was statistically significant (P<0.05). In
2016, pasture productivities were statistically significant (P<0.05) in 2016, standing crop (ton
Dm) was statistically significant in 2016. Forage available for grazing animals on Bobi Grazing
reserve in May showed that only 12.07 – 13.62 Dry matter was available in 2014. In 2015,
available forage ranged between 3.25-3.66 Dry matter. In 2016, available forage ranged from
5.11- 5.76 dry matter. Forage like Digitaria smutisii, Brachiaria deflexa, Setaria barbata and
Hyparrhenia chrysagyrea can be established as major forage in Bobi Grazing Reserve because of
their high dry matter yield and protein content. Based on the result of dry matter yield, only 5 - 10
cattle/hectare should be allowed to graze in Bobi Grazing Reserve from May –August if continuous
grazing is not practiced.


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How to Cite
Bukola, O. A., Adama, T. Z., Okoh, J. J., Ibrahim, Y., & Dikko, I. M. (2020). Evaluation of dry matter and yield of Forage Species in Bobi Grazing Reserve in Niger State, Nigeria. Nigerian Journal of Animal Science and Technology (NJAST), 2(3), 103 - 109. Retrieved from https://njast.com.ng/index.php/home/article/view/46