Determination of the Proximate Composition of Rice Offal Treated with Rumen Filtrate

  • Tiough, S.M.
  • Kpehe, A. T.
  • Shaahu, D.T.
  • Mashi, A.M.
  • Sarwuan, G.D.
Keywords: Proximate composition, Rice offal, Rumen Filtrate, Unconventional, Nutritional quality


Rice offal as an agro industrial by-product is widely available in tropical countries and is used in an attempt to meet the feeding requirements of farm animals. A major limitation to the use of rice offal is their high fibre content, low nitrogen and energy level. Therefore, treatment of rice offal with rumen filtrate can lead to significant improvement in nutritional quality and greater utilization. A study was conducted to determine the proximate composition of untreated and rice offal with rumen filtrate. The objective of the study was to improve the nutritional value of rice offal using rumen filtrate. The dry matter, crude protein, crude fibre, ether extract, ash, Nitrogen-free extract and Energy (kcal/kg) values are 92.64, 8.31, 33.42, 4.88, 14.97, 31.06 and 1809.28 for the rumen filtrate treated rice offal and 92.60, 3.94, 36.90, 5.87, 11.91, 33.98 and 1832.24 for the untreated rice offal, respectively. The treatment of rice offal with rumen filtrate has reduced its crude fibre content from 36.90 to 33.42 % and increased the value of crude protein from 3.94% to 8.31%. It is concluded that rumen filtrate appears to be as efficient as any other source of inoculums in the fermentation of rice offal. Therefore, the findings of this study will be beneficial to farmers as it will provide improved simple method of formulating local animal feeds using simple and cheap material like rice offal.


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How to Cite
Tiough, S.M., Kpehe, A. T., Shaahu, D.T., Mashi, A.M., & Sarwuan, G.D. (2020). Determination of the Proximate Composition of Rice Offal Treated with Rumen Filtrate. Nigerian Journal of Animal Science and Technology (NJAST), 3(3), 101 - 106. Retrieved from