Performance of broiler chickens fed"masakwa” sorghum(sorghum bicolor l.) Variety based diets as replacement for maize
The numerous industrial uses of maize and decrease in production makes it an expensive energy source in feeding poultry. This study was conducted to evaluate the effects of "Masakwa" Sorghum variety (Sorghum bicolor L.) fed to broiler chickens to replace maize. Five diets were formulated in which Masakwa Sorghum Variety (MSV) replaced maize at 0, 25, 50, 75 and 100% levels coded as diets 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5, respectively. One hundred and fifty (150) day old broiler chicks (Anak, 2000) were brooded and randomly allotted into the five dietary treatments with three replicates per treatment in a completely randomized design. Feeds and water were provided adlibitum and the experiment lasted for eight (8) weeks. The performance of the broilers showed no significant difference (P > 0.05) in weight gain, feed intake, total weight gain and feed conversion ratio in both starter, finisher and overall performance of the broiler chickens. The study revealed that "Masakwa" sorghum can totally replace maize in the diets of broiler chickens without any detrimental effect on the performance.
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