Prevalence of toxic heavy metals in different meat parts of sheep raised in parts of Jigawa state
The study was carried out to determine the prevalence of toxic heavy metals of public health concern in different meat parts of sheep raised in parts of Jigawa State. The experiment was laid out in a Completely Randomized Design. Six 3-year old rams purchased from Laya and Abdallawa villages in Gwaram and Kafin Hausa Local Government Areas (LGAs) respectively were used to determine the prevalence of toxic heavy metals (Cd, Cr and Pb) in different meat parts (Muscle, liver and kidney). The rams were slaughtered and samples of the carcass, liver and kidney were collected and used for the determination of toxic heavy metals at the Centre for Biotechnology Research Laboratory, Bayero University Kano using Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer. The results were subjected to T- test using SPSS software version 25. The results showed that all the heavy metals were present in the study area with the exception of Cr which was not found in muscle from Kafin Hausa. In Muscle and liver, Pb had the highest mean value of 0.109mg/kg and 0.205mg/kg, respectively. However, for kidney, Cr and Pd had the highest mean value of 0.248mg/kg and 0.238mg/kg respectively. It was concluded that mining, flooding and intense use of agro-chemicals in the two study locations might have resulted in the contamination of the meat. Massive public health awareness on the need to reduce illegal mining activities near grazing areas is recommended.
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