Proximate composition, phytochemical and mineral properties of Differently Processed Doum palm (Hyphaene thebaica) pulp

  • Tijjani, A.
  • Rano, N. B.
  • Inusa, S. K.
  • Audu, R.
  • Dumbari, M. K.
Keywords: Doum Palm Pulp, Processing, Phytochemical, Proximate composition


The experiment was conducted to determine the proximate composition, phytochemical and mineral contents of raw and differently processed Doum Palm Pulp using standard procedures and atomic absorption spectrophotometry. The processing methods employed were soaking, boiling and roasting and represented as treatment one (T1) while differently processed Doum Palm Pulp were tagged as T2 (soaked), T3 (boiled) and T4 (roasted). The results showed significance (P<0.05) differences in all the parameters observed except the values of Zinc. Dry matter (95.80%), crude fiber (11.97%), ether extract (3.56%) and Ash (17.37%) in T4 (roasted) increased significantly compared to the remaining treatments. Carbohydrate and Nitrogen free extract (NFE) contents in T2 (soaked) and T4 (roasted) were significantly (p<0.05) higher and similar but differ significantly (p<0.05) with the remaining treatments. The results also showed that the values of phytate, flavonoid, Alkaloid, and saponins ranged from 1.74-0.23, 0.48-0.17, 0.61-0.24 and 1.0-0.35mg/100g respectively. However, phytochemical parameters observed for T1 (raw) were all significantly (p<0.05) higher compared to the observed means in all the other treatments while the least values were observed under T3 (boiled). Determined composition of the mineral content showed range values of 2.15-3.77, 4.31-5.93, 20.65-26.55, 26.20-59.33 and 43.90-100.63mg/100L for Fe, Mg, ca, Na and K respectively. T4 (roasted) has the highest value (3.77 mg/100L) of Fe while Calcium content in T2 (soaked) was recorded the highest (26.55 mg/100L) and significantly (p<0.05) different from the remaining treatments. In terms of Na and K, T3 (boiled) had the highest content (59.33mg/100L) of Na while T1 (raw) had a higher (100.63mg/100L) content of K and differ (p<0.05) significantly with the remaining treatments. It can be concluded that Doum palm pulp has nutritional properties relative to some conventional feed ingredients and is therefore, recommended as potential feed ingredient for livestock feeds.


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How to Cite
Tijjani, A., Rano, N. B., Inusa, S. K., Audu, R., & Dumbari, M. K. (2024). Proximate composition, phytochemical and mineral properties of Differently Processed Doum palm (Hyphaene thebaica) pulp. Nigerian Journal of Animal Science and Technology (NJAST), 7(2), 94 - 101. Retrieved from

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