The Effect of Black Cumin (Nigella sativa L.) Seed Oil on Hide Beetle (Dermastes maculatus De Geer) Found in Smoked Catfish Obtained from Mayo-Gwoi and Jalingo Main Markets Taraba State

  • Ukwubile, C.A.
  • Bingari, M. S.
  • Milagawanda, H. H.
  • Ijoh, B. B.
  • Philip, D. C.
Keywords: Black cumin seed oil, Dermastes maculatus, Smoked catfish, Mayo-Gwoi


A study was carried out in 2022 at the Department of Biological Sciences Taraba State University, Jalingo to determine the effect of black cumin seed oil on Dermastes maculatus found in smoked fish. black cumin seed oil applied at 1, 2 and 3ml served as the treatments replicated three times. The experiment was done in plastic containers of 30 cm in length, 15 cm in height, 30 cm in breadth and 15 cm in width covered with wire gauze. The experiment was set up in four treatments. With equal 15 Dermastes maculatus introduced to an equal portion of smoked dried fish for each replicate. Analysis of variance was performed by one-way ANOVA procedure, and the differences between the mean values of the treatments were determined by F-statistics at 95% level of significance. Generally, the responses indicated that the higher the level of treatment, the higher the effect of black cumin seed oil on larvae and adult Dermastes maculatus found in smoked fish; an indication that the oils performed differently (p<0.05) on the D. maculatus. The highest mortality was recorded at a treatment level of 3 mL and the lowest was recorded at a treatment level of 1 mL for the larvae of D. maculatus. Similarly, the highest mortality was recorded at a treatment level of 3 mL and the lowest at 1 mL for both the larvae and adult of D. maculatus.  The effect of black cumin seed oil on the life cycle of the insect (Dermastes maculatus) indicated that the highest mortality was recorded at a treatment level of 3 mL/15 pests in the first month of the experiment.


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How to Cite
Ukwubile, C.A., Bingari, M. S., Milagawanda, H. H., Ijoh, B. B., & Philip, D. C. (2024). The Effect of Black Cumin (Nigella sativa L.) Seed Oil on Hide Beetle (Dermastes maculatus De Geer) Found in Smoked Catfish Obtained from Mayo-Gwoi and Jalingo Main Markets Taraba State. Nigerian Journal of Animal Science and Technology (NJAST), 7(1), 142 - 148. Retrieved from