Effect of varying levels of clove extracts on the performance and egg quality characteristics of laying hens
A twelve-week experiment was conducted to determine the effect of varying levels of clove extracts on the performance and egg quality characteristics of laying hens. One hundred and sixty laying hens (Isa brown) at eight weeks of laying life were used for the experiment. Clove extract was prepared at varying levels of 0 ml, 100 ml 200 ml, and 300 ml and diluted in 4 litres of water in a drinking trough separately and labeled T1, T2, T3, and T4, respectively. The birds were divided into four groups of forty laying hens and each group was assigned to one of the clove extracts in a completely randomized design. After the exhaustion of the extract, fresh water was given to the birds throughout the day. Feed was provided to the birds ad libitum. Data collected on different parameters were statistically analyzed. The result of the performance of the laying hens recorded significant differences (P<0.05) in their values across treatments. Birds in T4 (300 ml) recorded significantly higher values of weight changes, hen-day egg production, feed intake and egg weight and feed conversion ratio. The administration of clove extract in drinking water did not affect the external and internal egg qualities of the birds. The Haugh unit and egg-breaking strength were not affected by the extract. Thus, it could be concluded that administration of clove extract at 300 ml in drinking water for laying birds did not have any deleterious effect on the performance and egg quality characteristics of laying hens.
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