Effect of Different Dietary Levels of Calcium Supplemented Palm Kernel Cake on Performance and Egg Characteristics of Laying Chickens

  • Egenuka, F. C.
  • Okeudo, N. J.
  • Okeudo, N. J.
Keywords: Palm kernel cake, Calcium, Laying chickens, Performance, Egg quality


This study evaluated the effect of varying dietary levels of palm kernel cake (PKC) with high and normal calcium on performance and egg quality of laying chickens. One hundred and ten (110) point-of-lay pullets of the Lohmann Brown strain at eighteen (18) weeks of age were used and the study lasted a total period of 26 weeks. Feeding of birds started when the birds were 18 weeks of age so that age at 1st egg would be recorded, and lasted until birds were 44 weeks of age. Weight of eggs and feed intake records were taken from 24 weeks of age (when the last replicate to lay an egg dropped the 1st egg) until 44 weeks of age (a period of 20 weeks). The birds were divided into five dietary treatment groups of 22 birds per treatment subdivided into two replicates of 11 birds each. Dietary treatments 1, 2 and 3 (T1, T2 and T3) contained 0 %, 20 % and 40 % PKC with 3 % calcium (normal calcium diets) while dietary treatments 4 and 5 contained 20 % and 40 % PKC with 5 % calcium (high calcium diets), respectively. Results showed that age at first egg, laying rate, interior and exterior characteristics of eggs were not affected (P > 0.05) but egg weight was significantly increased (P < 0.05) and feed cost/dozen eggs reduced (P < 0.05) by feeding PKC diets. Egg peelability, off-flavour intensity and degree of likeness were not significantly affected (P > 0.05) by dietary treatment but peelability was enhanced by storage in eggs from layers fed 40 % PKC diets. It was concluded that laying chickens could be profitably produced on diets containing up to 40 % PKC without additional supplementation with calcium.


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How to Cite
Egenuka, F. C., Okeudo, N. J., & Okeudo, N. J. (2024). Effect of Different Dietary Levels of Calcium Supplemented Palm Kernel Cake on Performance and Egg Characteristics of Laying Chickens. Nigerian Journal of Animal Science and Technology (NJAST), 7(1), 60 - 72. Retrieved from https://njast.com.ng/index.php/home/article/view/314