Effect of Preservation and Storage Methods on Some Parameters of Egg Quality Traits of Exotic Chickens
This study was carried out to determine the effect of egg preservation and storage methods on the qualitative changes of both external and internal egg quality traits of exotic chickens. A total of three hundred and ninety (390) eggs were collected from three different strains of laying birds (Isa Brown, Amberlin Dekalb and Bovan nera black) reared in a reputable integrated farm in Jigawa state, Nigeria. Eggs were preserved using two preservation methods (oil coating and thermo-stabilization) and stored at refrigerator, earthen pot and room temperature. Eggs were taken periodically at 7 days’ interval for total duration of 28 days of storage period (0, 7, 14, 21 and 28days). All eggs were individually evaluated for egg quality traits. The mean value for egg weight, length, width, shape index, shell thickness and weight, and percentage shell were 55.16 g, 54.60 mm, 42.84 mm, 1.28%, 0.51 mm, 5.94 g and 10.94%, respectively. The internal quality traits: albumen height, length, width, index, pH, yolk height, length, width, index and pH, albumen-yolk pH and Haugh unit have the corresponding values as 4.56mm, 97.50mm, 83.72mm, 1.17%, 8.75, 10.29mm, 50.55mm, 46.81mm, 1.09%, 8.52, 6.90 and 82.10, respectively. The findings from the present study showed that eggs stored using oil coating and refrigeration had significantly (P<0.01) better external and internal quality parameters compared to untreated once. It was concluded that eggs stored at room temperature without any preservatives gradually deteriorates in quality and become unfit for consumption.
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