Evaluation of the Nutritional Composition of Selected Ruminant and Poultry Carcasses in Nigeria

  • Kaye, J. Department of Animal Production, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Jos-Nigeria
  • Dafur, B. S. Department of Animal Production, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Jos-Nigeria
Keywords: breeds, meat, nutritional composition, amino acid, correlations


This research was conducted in Jos, Plateau state to evalute the nutritional composition of meat of selected local breeds of livestock in Nigeria, with the aim to provide basic data for their nutritional values. The breast portion or breast muscles of local broilers and thigh muscles (semi- tendinous) of cow(beef), sheep(mutton) and goats(chevon) were cut into equal sizes to determine Protein and amino acid profiles. Analyses were performed to determine the main directions of variations among the meats. Results indicated that Calorie is lower in chevon followed by broiler then mutton and beef. Chevon is also lower in fat, saturated fat, protein and cholesterol than the others. Percentage of proteins in broiler chicken meat, beef, mutton and chevon ranged from 18.37 to 25.13%. Glycine had higher concentration compared to other amino acids measured in all the meat types, although its concentration was not significantly (pdifferent between meat types. The lowest content of amino acids was methionine in Broiler, Beef, Mutton and Chevron. Broiler meat had significantly richer contents of proline than beef, mutton and chevon. Additionally, animals with higher concentrations of alanine and glutamic acid in the meat studied were found to have lower histidine concentration. Amongst the meats studied, Chevon is recommended because of its taste and low cholesterol level.


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How to Cite
Kaye, J., & Dafur, B. S. (2022). Evaluation of the Nutritional Composition of Selected Ruminant and Poultry Carcasses in Nigeria. Nigerian Journal of Animal Science and Technology (NJAST), 5(3), 29 - 42. Retrieved from https://njast.com.ng/index.php/home/article/view/213