Impact of Toasted African Locust Bean (Parkia Biglobosa) Meal (Tabm) on the Growth Performance, Nutrient Digestibility, Blood Profile and Carcass Characteristics of Grower Rabbits

  • Wafar, R. J. Department of Animal Production and Health, Federal University Wukari, Wukari Taraba State
  • Lalabe, B. C. Department of Animal Production and Health, Federal University Wukari, Wukari Taraba State
  • Adi, Z. A. 1Department of Animal Production and Health, Federal University Wukari, Wukari Taraba State.
  • Obun C. O. Department of Animal Production and Health, Federal University Wukari, Wukari Taraba State
  • Shinggu P. A. Department of Animal Production and Health, Federal University Wukari, Wukari Taraba State
  • Yusuf, H. B. Department of Animal Science and Range Management Modibbo Adama University of Technology, Yola Adamawa State
  • Caleb, M. Department of Animal Production and Health, Federal University Wukari, Wukari Taraba State
  • Doofan, U. Department of Animal Production and Health, Federal University Wukari, Wukari Taraba State
  • Obogo, G. Department of Animal Production and Health, Federal University Wukari, Wukari Taraba State
Keywords: Blood, Carcass, Performance, Rabbits, Toasted locust bean


A 56 day feeding trial was carried out to evaluate the impact of feeding toasted African locust bean meal (TABM) to grower rabbits. Five experimental diets were compounded where TABM replaced full fat soyabean at 0(T1, control), 25(T2), 50(T3), 75(T4) and 100% (T5). Thirty grower cross bred rabbits (New Zealand white × Chinchilla) were randomly divided into 5 treatment groups replicated three times in a Completely Randomized Design (CRD). Feed and water were offered ad-libitum. Data collected during the feeding trial were growth parameters, nutrient digestibility, carcass characteristics, haematological and serum biochemical variables. The results of the growth parameter showed there was no significant variation in all the parameters evaluated. Feed cost (₦/kg) decreased as the levels of TABM increased in the diet. Rabbits fed 0% TABM had the highest feed cost (₦/kg) (₦396.20/kg), while rabbit fed 100% TABM had the least (₦240.09/kg). However, the haematological and biochemical indices measured were similar (P>0.05) across the dietary treatments. The result of carcass characteristics and internal organs weights were not significantly influenced. Nutrient digestibility was significantly (P<0.05) affected by the level of replacement. Dry matter digestibility was significantly influenced (P<0.05) by inclusion of TABM in the diets. Rabbits fed diets T2 (78.32%), T3 (79.55%) and T5 (88.67%) had higher dry matter digestibility than those fed T1 (59.72%) diet but similar to T4 (64.18%). Rabbits fed diet T2 and T5 diets recorded significant higher (P<0.05) crude fibre digestibility (75.11% and 78.39%) and NFE (78.25 and 79.01%) respectively. However, rabbits fed diets T2 (75.16), T3 (79.23%), T4 (85.44%) and T5 (83.72%) recorded higher significant (P<0.05) ash digestibility while rabbits fed T1 (64.61%) lower ash digestibility. It was concluded from the study that TABM can replace up to 100% full fat soybean meal in diet of grower rabbits without adverse effect on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, blood profile, carcass characteristics and internal organ weights.


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How to Cite
Wafar, R. J., Lalabe, B. C., Adi, Z. A., Obun C. O., Shinggu P. A., Yusuf, H. B., Caleb, M., Doofan, U., & Obogo, G. (2019). Impact of Toasted African Locust Bean (Parkia Biglobosa) Meal (Tabm) on the Growth Performance, Nutrient Digestibility, Blood Profile and Carcass Characteristics of Grower Rabbits . Nigerian Journal of Animal Science and Technology (NJAST), 2(1), 85-96. Retrieved from