Growth performance and nutrient digestibility of crossed bucks fed irrigated Brachairia ruziziensis hay fertilized with varying levels of goat manure.
A seventy days feeding trials was conducted to determine the intake, weight changes, apparent nutrient digestibility and nitrogen balance of crossed bucks ((Kalahari Buck x West Africa Dwarf does)) fed irrigated Brachiaria ruziziensis hay fertilized with different rates of goat manure. Five goat manure application rates of 0, 5, 10, 15 and 20 t/ha dry matter (DM) goat manure (GM) which also corresponds to five dietary treatment of B. ruziziensis hay; BRH0, BRH5, BRH10, BRH15 and BRH20 respectively. Fifteen (15) crossed bucks were allotted to the dietary treatments aforementioned in a Completely randomized Design with 3 bucks per treatment. Bucks fed BRF15 recorded higher (P < 0.05) values for daily weight gain (71.43 g/day) than others. Bucks fed BRF15 also recorded higher (P < 0.05) values for most nutrient digestibility parameters determined except for acid detergent lignin. Furthermore, total nitrogen absorption (13.77 g/day) and retention (12.92 g/day) values were significantly higher (P<0.05)
for bucks fed BRF15 and least for bucks feed BRF0. It was concluded that DM intake, weight gain, nutrient digestibility and nitrogen balance of bucks can be improved by feeding dietary treatment of irrigated B.ruziziensis hay fertilized with 15 t/ha dry matter goat manure.
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