Effect of Storage Method on the Quality, Proximate Composition and Microbial Loads of Guinea Fowl Eggs (Numida Meleagris)
The Study was conducted at Kano University of Science and Technology, Wudil to determine the effect of different storage methods on the quality, proximate composition and microbial loads of Guinea fowl eggs (Numida meleagris). Egg Quality Indices, measured were Albumen height, Yolk height, Yolk diameter and Yolk index. A Total of 108 eggs were used for this experiment. The different storage methods used were Room Temperature, oiling and earthen pot methods. The results obtained showed that egg quality indices were significantly (P<0.05) affected by the different storage methods. Results also showed that colony forming units were absent in oiling method of eggs storage throughout the period of the experiment but present in eggs stored in earthen pot on day 28 (1.7×10-3 CFU/ML). This also increase at room temperature as the storage duration increases having 2.16×10-3 CFU/ML as the highest at day 28. The ease at which eggs peel was also affected by storage method; for hardness Earthen pot storage method was 0.839, oiling storage methods was 0.995 and room temperature storage was 2.158 whereas earthen pot and oiling storage methods was ranked first. Eggs that were stored in the oiling and earthen pot were able to keep the shelf life of eggs for a longer period compared to Room Temperature storage method which lost quality rapidly after extended storage. Regarding the thickness of egg shell Earthen pot was 0.030mm, Room Temperature was 0.054mm and oiling storage method was 0.016mm. A significant (P<0.05) decrease was recorded for moisture % in Room Temperature and Oiling storage methods at week 4. A significant (P<0.05) decrease was recorded for dry matter % at week 4 in the Earthen pot storage method. A significant (P<0.05) decrease was recorded for ash % at week 1 and 2 of Oiling storage method. The duration at which eggs stored under the different storage methods are as follows; Room temperature 14 days, Earthen pot 21 days and oiling 28 days. It is concluded that in the absence of refrigeration storage or constant power supply, the use of oiling method of storage is recommended. Also, earthen pot method is recommended to be used as a substitute for refrigeration method of eggs storage.
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