Yield and Quality of Brachiaria ruziziensis (Congo grass) and Centrosema pascuorum (Centro) Mixtures as Influenced by Mixture Ratios, Phosphorus Levels and Stage of Harvest

  • Sani, I.
  • Amodu, J. T.
  • Tanko, R. J.
  • Hassan, M. R.
  • Adamu, N.
  • Girgiri, A. Y.
Keywords: Mixture ratio, B. ruziziensis, C.pascuorum, Fertilizer, Yeild


This study was conducted during the 2017 and 2018 rainy season at the Crop Production Research farm, Abubakar Tafawa Balewa University, Bauchi to determine the effects of plant mixture ratios (100% Sole B. ruziziensis, 75%B.R:25%C.P, 50%B.R:50%C.P, 25%B.R:75%C.P and 100% Sole C. pascuorum), phosphorus fertilizer (SSP) levels (0, 100 and 150kg/ha)and stage of harvest (10 and 12 weeks) on forage yield of B. ruziziensis and C. pascuorum intercrop. The experiment was in a split-plot design with 5x3x2 factorial arrangement in which the mixture ratios constituted the main plots while phosphorus (SSP) levels and stage of harvest constituted the sub treatments. The mean values indicated that mixture ratios and phosphorus (SSP) levels significantly (P<0.05) increased leaf area index (LAI) and dry matter yield of B. ruziziensis and C. pascuorum mixtures. The LAI was significant (P<0.05) across treatments for B. ruziziensis and C. pascuorum except C. pascuorum in mixture ratio. The highest (P<0.05) total dry matter yield (6.87t/ha) was obtained in 25%BR:75%C.P mixture. Similarly, 150 kg/ha phosphorus fertilizer and week 12 gave highest (P<0.05) yield of 6.56 t/ha and6.23 t/ha, respectively. The chemical composition showed that mixture of 25%BR:75%C.P had the highest Crude protein (8.01%) and least ADF (41.18%) and NDF (50.53%) compared to others. Also, CP, ADF and NDF values were best at 150 kg/ha phosphorus and harvest stage of week 10. Therefore, B. ruziziensis and C. pascuorum mixture (25%B.R:75%C.P) with 150 kg/ha SSP and harvested at week 10 gave the best yield and quality.


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How to Cite
Sani, I., Amodu, J. T., Tanko, R. J., Hassan, M. R., Adamu, N., & Girgiri, A. Y. (2020). Yield and Quality of Brachiaria ruziziensis (Congo grass) and Centrosema pascuorum (Centro) Mixtures as Influenced by Mixture Ratios, Phosphorus Levels and Stage of Harvest. Nigerian Journal of Animal Science and Technology (NJAST), 3(3), 72 - 85. Retrieved from http://njast.com.ng/index.php/home/article/view/109

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